Tennessee Day Care Centers

A license acquired for Tennessee day care centers in the state of cannot then be transferred to another person, or even by the same person to another location in the state. Licenses are given partially at least based upon the premises provided by the child care organization. The licenses are given for the space of the year and must be renewed every year. In case an inspection finds serious violations, the license might be suspended, the state usually giving a day care center about thirty days of warning before it must suspend operations. However, in serious cases of violation that might endanger the children in the day care center, operations must be suspended immediately. Some of the main criteria governing the granting of a license to Tennessee day care centers are the study and play environment provided to the children, including, of course, the outside playgrounds provided to the children.

We currently have 467 listings for day care centers and child care providers spanning 122 cities in Tennessee. Please select your city in Tennessee to see the day care centers, nannies, after school programs, and other child care providers for Tennessee.

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